Please contact us with any questions or comments about Syndicate Fly Rods. We try to answer all inquiries within 24 hours, but times may vary. Please read the following information before submitting the contact form. 

Repairs and Warranty 

If you are in need of a repair or warranty, click here to submit your claim via our online repair form. 

Learning Center and FAQs

As we have received inquiries, we have tried to build out resources to answer common questions that we receive. While we are happy to work directly with you to be sure your fly fishing needs are met, we hope you find these resources to be beneficial as well. Check out our FAQ page and our Learning Center for information about choosing the right fly rod, picking out the best fly line, how to properly balance your Syndicate fly rod, and tips for rigging. 


Click here to review our return policy. If your return fits our policy, please use the contact form below to initiate the return process.


We're happy to answer questions. Please fill out the form below if you need further assistance.